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Protect your device from vicious cyber attacks such as hidden malware, spam, viruses and trojans

Protect your device from vicious cyber attacks such as hidden malware, spam, viruses and trojans

Vote: (29 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Symantec


Works under: Android


Program license

(29 votes)





Works under:



  • Comprehensive protection features
  • Efficient performance with minimal system impact
  • Excellent customer service
  • User-friendly interface


  • Some users may find the premium version a bit pricey

Norton 360 Mobile Security offers robust protection for your Android device.


Norton 360 Mobile Security is a comprehensive security application for Android devices developed by Symantec Corporation. With a reputation for delivering high-quality security solutions, Norton has extended its expertise to the mobile platform, offering a myriad of features to safeguard your personal data and device from various threats.

Features and Functionality

Norton 360 Mobile Security comes equipped with several robust features that work in tandem to provide an all-encompassing security solution. These include antivirus protection, Wi-Fi security alerts, Web protection, and Safe Search, among others. These features work seamlessly to prevent threats from breaching your device's security.

The Antivirus protection feature provides robust defense against malware, ransomware, and viruses. The app's Wi-Fi security alerts notify users about potentially unsafe Wi-Fi connections, while the Web Protection feature safeguards your device when browsing, preventing access to fraudulent and malicious websites. Its Safe Search option gives users peace of mind when browsing the internet, by flagging unsafe websites in search results.


Norton 360 Mobile Security delivers an efficient performance with minimal impact on system resources. It offers real-time protection without significantly slowing down your device. Users have reported receiving outstanding customer service support from Norton, which is a testament to the company's commitment to ensuring a seamless user experience.

User Experience

Users have reported a high level of satisfaction with Norton 360 Mobile Security, citing its efficiency and excellent customer service. One user recounted an instance where their laptop was hacked, and after contacting Norton, their system was thoroughly cleaned. This is a clear demonstration of Norton's commitment to customer safety and satisfaction.


Norton 360 Mobile Security is a comprehensive and reliable security solution for Android devices. Its robust features, efficient performance, and outstanding customer service make it a top choice for users seeking to safeguard their devices and personal data.


  • Comprehensive protection features
  • Efficient performance with minimal system impact
  • Excellent customer service
  • User-friendly interface


  • Some users may find the premium version a bit pricey